Still in Nanaimo for now

Still in Nanaimo for now
Elder Samis on the ferry

Monday, 26 May 2014

May 26, 2014 - Nanaimo South

Saying Goodbye to Elder Lawter

Sorry but it's going to be a short email today :( We don't have a key to the church library and we only get 1 hour at the public library. Well Elder Lawter's time has almost come. He's going to the mainland for a little while before he dies. It's his last day on the island and its hard to see him go. He gets on the ferry tonight and Elder Glover will be my companion for a couple weeks before he goes home as well. What happens after that will be a little more interesting...

Elder Lawter and I went to a baptism in New Westminster on Saturday. The baptism was for someone who had been taught on and off for a few years. Elder Lawter was one of the missionaries that taught her. We stayed with the New Westminister missionaries that night. Elder Ockey and Elder Pedillot. Both of them are Canadian. Elder Ockey is actually from Calgary and him and I have been really good friends. He's the Elder that I mentioned in my phone call who wanted one of my name tags and to sign his Samis shirt. :P Anyway spending the night with them was fun.

Really not too much happened this week. We didn't find very many people to teach. We dropped by a potential investigator named Conny the other day. She's Native and she seems to be far more excited about hearing the gospel then we previously thought when we met her a while back. Elmer is stuck. (again) He hasn't been keeping his return appointments and its hard to say what exactly is going on. All we know is that Satan REALLY does not want him to be baptised. :(

Well thats all for the time being. My next email should be a big one.

All the best,
Elder Maclean Samis  

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